Hi! My name is Rachel. My best friends call me “Rach”, their littles call me “Aunta/Auntie Rachel”, and my students know me as “Rachel Ma’am” or “Teacher Rachel”. However you know me (or don’t know me) or by whatever name you call me, I’m glad you’re here and happy you found me!

Three years ago I left my home country with just a backpack and blind faith in pursuit of escaping what I felt would inevitably become a mundane life and followed my dream to see the world and connect with the humans who inhabit it. I haven’t looked back since! When I left, my “plan” was to travel the world, but COVID and Divine intervention had a much different plan for me than I had for myself. And I couldn’t be more grateful for it! You can click over to the blog to learn a little bit more about all that. 

Professionally, I’ve done a little bit of everything. I’ve been in the banking industry, the insurance world, owned and operated a successful catering company, and eventually, I found my calling as an ESL Teacher to non-native English-speaking students. While baking and sharing my love of food with people continues to be a true passion, a lot of joy was lost when it became my full-time job.

I’m at my happiest and really glowing from my heart-space like a sparkling rainbow Care Bear when I’m hiking, traveling, baking, writing, teaching, sipping coffee, dancing in the kitchen, listening to podcasts, full moon gazing, and experiencing the magic of humanity. 

I unapologetically tend to be very sporadic with my posts and often vanish for months on end, but when I’m ready to share, you can find me and my ramblings here. I’m constantly attempting to work on myself, so if I disappear it’s either because I’ve lost myself and I’m doing a lot of self-reflecting and self-regulating or I’m busy living in the present and not worried about sharing pictures and updating everyone on my whereabouts. I’ve found great little tunnels through social media channels, but it still exhausts me and drains me if I attempt to interact or engage too much. I haven’t found the right balance with it… as you’ll most certainly observe for yourself.